Saturday 5 November 2016

Utilization of By-product from Tomato Processing Industry for the Development of New Product

Extrusion cooking is recognized as a smart technology for food processors. It is a low cost, high temperature, short-time process. In this the starchy ingredients are input to create a puffed snack.

Tomato Processing Industry
However it contains multiple parameters that need to be rigorously controlled to develop an optimal process. Present study investigated the blends of corn flour, rice flour and tomato pomace (peel and seed), processed in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder and examined the effect of incorporation of tomato byproduct derivatives on final extruded product quality of the ready -to-eat expanded product.

Furthermore, the physio-chemical properties, post cooking quality were analyzed for the extruded product. As tomato pomace, corn and rice flour are naturally gluten free, the extruded product would appeal to people who suffer from gluten intolerances, allergies and celiac disease.

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