Monday 22 August 2016

Obesity Risk Factors among Beirut Arab University Students in TripoliLebanon

Through a cross-sectional study design a survey was conducted at Beirut Arab University (BAU) -Tripoli campus during the fall semester 2014/2015. To calculate the sample size a 30% prevalence rate of obesity was assumed with 95% confidence interval and 5% precision. The minimum required simple random sample was 266. Assuming a design effect of two to account for the effect of clusters the total final sample was 532 students. A proportionate cluster sample was selected (clusters being the 6 faculties at BAU). After exclusion of incomplete questionnaires 497 students aged 18-25 years were included in the study (49.3% males & 50.7% females).

Obesity Risk Factors
The study was approved by the institutional review board at BAU. Data collection was performed by trained researchers. Subjects were included if they fulfilled the inclusion criteria of being a Lebanese regular student within the age group of 18-25 years. The exclusion criteria included any student having any chronic metabolic disease like diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney or liver diseases and regular intake of specific drugs that may affect appetite or weight control. Those who expressed interest and provided their oral consent were recruited to participate in the study.

A structured anonymous interview questionnaire was developed by the authors based on previously published instruments which have been standardized and validated to be used among university students. The questionnaire included questions to assess the sociodemographic characteristics, diet and food intake patterns and lifestyle behaviours followed by anthropometric measurements.

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