Friday 20 January 2017

Bioaerosol Formation and Bacterial Transfer from Commercial Automatic Hand Dryers

Bacterial Transfer from Commercial Automatic Hand Dryers
Three experiments were conducted to determine to what degree hand dryers transfer bacteria. All hand dryers in public locations tested displayed transfer of aerobic microorganisms with an average transfer of 58 CFU/cycle ranging from 2-238 CFU/cycle.

The 2nd experiment found the commercial hand dryer with higher exit air velocity had a greater bacterial transfer rate than the commercial brand tested with a lower air flow exit velocity. The 3rd experiment revealed that hand dryers can spread aerosolized bacteria at least 90 cm from the air exit and that foods with a rough surface such as strawberries collect significantly more microorganisms (170,000 CFU/cycle) from hand dryers compared to foods with smooth surfaces such as grapes.

Overall, the series of experiments show that hand dryers aerosolize and spread microorganisms and the source of the microorganisms can be from the air in the environment immediately surrounding the dryer and from microorganisms residing on the outlet nozzle.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Evaluation of Chitosan Acid Salts as Clarifying Agents of Orange Nectar

The use of chitosan acid salts was assessed in the clarification orange nectar. Clarification process was performed at laboratory scale by the classical methodology of jar test by adding chitosan acetate or chitosan lactate at concentrations between 0 g/L and 2 g/L of nectar.

Agents of Orange Nectar
Numerical optimization method was used through an IV Optimal response surface for the best variant of coagulation-flocculation based on clarification yield. No significant effect of the salt type and concentration or clarification time on the physicochemical parameters of nectars were observed. Both chitosan acid salts could be used as clarifying agents, although chitosan lactate at 1 g/L was more effective, obtaining the highest yield (66.14%) to a time of 90 min.

In general, there was no significant influence of the type and concentration of chitosan acid salt on the sensory attributes of the products and nectar clarified with chitosan lactate showed the higher overall quality.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Estimation of Sulphite Levels in Food Products Available in Delhi, India

Sulphite Levels in Food Products
Sulphites used as preservatives in foods might pose a risk for sensitive individuals, causing broncho-constriction, urticaria and dermatitis. The present work aimed at determining sulphite concentration using Optimized Monier- Williams method.

A total of 357 food products were collected from different markets of Delhi and analysed for sulphites. The food products were classified into eight categories namely preserves, dried fruits, beverage concentrates, sugars, confectionery items, ready to serve beverages, bakery products and miscellaneous products.

The mean recovery for 8 major food matrices was found to be 82.02% with relative standard deviation % RSDR of 3.22 and % RSDr of 1.72. The sulphite levels, expressed as sulphur dioxide, ranged from <10.0 mg/kg to 406 mg/kg. A total of 21% food products had sulphite concentration below the quantifiable limit of 10 mg/kg and in 30% of food products sulphites were not-detectable.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Field Survey of Symptoms and Isolation of Fungi Associated with Post-harvest Rots of White Yam

Yams are among the most important staple foods in the world, especially in some parts of the tropics and subtropics. The role played by yam in the food economy in most West African countries cannot be over-emphasized. It is one of the most important dietary sources of energy produced within the tropics. Nigeria produces yams for local consumption and the export market.

Survey of Symptoms and Isolation of Fungi
The country is a leading exporter of yam in the world. Water yams are consumed when white yam becomes scarce or expensive. One of the most pressing problems facing the countries of the third world is food scarcity. It is reported that nearly 1 billion people are challenged by severe hunger in these nations of which 10% die from hunger-related complications.

A substantial part of this problem from hunger stems from inadequate agricultural storage and produce preservation from microbes-induced spoilages. According to Arya, of all losses caused by plant diseases, those that occur after harvest are the costliest. Cassava, yam and sweet potato are important sources of food in the tropics. Others are cocoyam, rice, maize, wheat, sorghum, millet and various fruits, legumes and vegetables.

Monday 16 January 2017

Bacteriological Quality and Incidence of Some Pathogenic Bacteria in Fresh White Cheese

The aim of this study was to evaluate the bacteriological quality and safety of fresh white cheese sold in Tripoli, Libya. The study lasted for approximately 7 months (November 2011-May 2012), during this period 87 fresh white cheese samples were collected from seven different areas (4 to 5 factories from each area with the rate of 3 duplicates).

Pathogenic Bacteria in Fresh White Cheese
The samples were tested for temperature at receiving, pH and acidity, total aerobic counts, total coliform counts and the detection of incidence of some pathogenic bacteria including: Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococous aureus, Salmonella spp., Aeromonas hydrophila and Listeria monocytogenes.

 Results indicated that the average temperature, % acidity, and pH of the tested samples were (15.80°C ± 5.8, 0.21 ± 0.02% and 5.81 ± 0.06) respectively. Data indicated that 70.1% of the samples exceeded the Libyan standard for white cheese No. 366 in respect to temperature, while pH of all samples was within the limits of such standard. On the other hand, means of total aerobic counts, total coliform counts, and the numbers of Staphyloccoccus aureus were (38 × 107, 74 × 105, 35 × 104 and 53 × 103 cfu/g) respectively of the study.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Tea Polyphenol Extracts as a Natural Dietary Supplement to Current Treatments of HIV/AIDS

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to the Lentivirus genus, a member of the Retroviridae family of enveloped, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses that replicate characteristically in a host cell through the process of reverse transcription.

HIV is the etiological agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) which affects the human immune system including CD4+ T lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells.

Worldwide, more than 35 million people are thought to live with HIV [2], of whom 69% reside in sub- Saharan Africa where one adult in every 20 is HIV-positive [3]. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that in the USA approximately 50,000 people contract HIV each year.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Prevalence of Low Energy Availability in Collegiate Female Runners and Implementation of Nutrition Education Intervention

This study examined the prevalence of low energy availability in a sample of female collegiate athletes (N=25) then delivered nutrition education related to the female athlete triad and assessed change in knowledge and dietary behaviors.

journal of female athletes
Average energy intake was assessed pre- and post-education using Automated Self-Administered 24- Hour Dietary Recalls. We assessed body composition with multiple-site skinfold measures.

Energy expenditure was assessed with accelerometers and a physical activity diary over a 3-day period. A 73-item questionnaire was used to assess knowledge and behavior changes. Results: At baseline, 92% had an index of energy availability <45 kcal/kg of fat free mass/day. 40% of participants were amenorrheic, and 32% had a history of stress fractures. 

Monday 9 January 2017

Quality Enhancement of Canned Little Tunny Fish Whitening Solutions, Pre-Cooking Time and Filling Medium

The impact of three treatments as whitening (brine and/or H2O2); pre-cooking time (60 min, 70 min and 80 min) at 102 ± 1°C; and filling medium (brine, olive oil, sunflower oil and/or mixing) on quality of native little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) during canning were evaluated.

Little Tunny Fish Whitening Solutions
A significant difference (P<0.05) in colour fillets was found between treated tunny samples when combining brine 5% with H2O2 3% for 10 min and untreated sample as lightness (L*) value. The pre-cooking at 70 min resulted in reduced microorganism content, loss of moisture (~4.63%) and improved texture.

Among all samples, the tunny canned in sunflower oil gained the highest acceptability (P<0.05) however, samples canned in olive oil had the lowest. The brine canned tunny recorded the highest total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) and histamine content after 12 months of storage. Results indicated that the different pre-treatments improved the quality of native canned tunny.

Friday 6 January 2017

Universal Diet and Beverage Code-The Rules of Halves in Human Nutrition

The supremacy of human race is attributed to its highest form of adoptability exhibited under diverging conditions. Be it the freezing tundra or non-pardoning tropics this race has established its indomitable authority.

Human Nutrition
The prime cause of this marvelous success lies in its dietary behavior. Humans are known omnivores; consuming whatever the nature offered them. When this diverse dietary habit is their main secret to success it also creates a barrier in establishing a uniform civil dietary code.

This is evident by the differing guidelines by multiple agencies at different level. Be it the ever revising and differing RDAs for different countries focusing on the minimum nutritional limits or equally vocal orthomolecular exponents stressing on the maximum tolerable end or the moderators like DRI.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Polyketides of Therapeutic Significance from Natural Sources

The term ‘polyketide’ was coined in 1907 and refers to the secondary metabolites from bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Polyketides are secondary metabolites with polyketomethylene groups containing multiple ketone groups and are synthezised by serialized reactions of a set of enzymes called polyketides synthase which coordinate the elongation of carbon skeletons by the stepwise condensation of short carbon precursors.

Natural Sources
Traditionally, polyketides were indirectly known by their biological activities e.g., the purgative materials in cascara, rhubarb, and senna are usually polyketide-derived anthracenes.

Traditional antispasmodics, long used in the Middle East to treat angina, contain significant amounts of the polyketide khellin and another very famous example of polyketides in history was the use of coniine containing hemlock to execute Socrates (BCE 399).

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Communicating Biosafety-A New Approach for Agrobiotechnology Adoption

Biosafety is defined as a “Set of measures or actions addressing the safety aspects related to the application of biotechnologies and to the release into the environment of transgenic plants and organisms, particularly microorganisms,  that could negatively affect plant genetic resources, plant, animal or human health, or the environment” (UNEP Glossary 2007)

The term “biosafety” is generally used to describe frameworks of policy, regulation and management to control potential risks associated with the use of new biotechnologies (“New biotechnologies” being a term used to differentiate processes that use modern techniques of biotechnology, such as recombinant DNA techniques, from traditional breeding and improvement techniques used in agriculture), including their use, release and transboundary movements.

Biosafety frameworks may also address risk communication and other issues such as potential positive or negative socio-economic impacts. Many of the legal instruments addressing biosafety have primary goals, such as the preservation of biodiversity, consumer protection, public participation and information, development and trade, and address biosafety only indirectly.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Early Warning System for Plant Nutrient Deficiency: Future Toolbox

Plant nutritionists across the globe are on their toes to find ways and means to identify nutrient constraints as early in standing crop season as possible while dealing with perennial crops.

Plant Nutrient Deficiency
Exciting progress has been made over the years, and accordingly, the basis of nutrient management strategy has experienced many paradigm shifts. While doing so, it is being increasingly felt to have some diagnostic tool to identify nutrient constraint as and when it originates by capturing the signals released at sub-cellular level.

On the other hand, conventionally used diagnostic tools of identifying nutrient constraints such as leaf analysis, soil analysis, juice analysis, and to some extent, metalloenzyme-based biochemical analysis, all have been under continuous use and refinement. But despite so much of genuine efforts worldwide, no one of these alone provides complete information, except the combined use of leaf and soil analysis, which are used on a comparatively wider scale.

Monday 2 January 2017

The Effect of Green Tea Extract Against Hepato-Toxicity Induced By Tamoxifen in Rats

The present study was conducted to elucidate the antioxidant capacity of green tea (Camellia sinensis) extract against Tamoxifen citrate-induced liver injury. Four groups containing ten female Wister rats each were selected: Group I, served as control group, Group II, permitted Green Tea Extract (1.5% w/v in water) as the sole drinking fluid, Group III, injured by intraperitoneal injection of Tamoxefin (45 mg/ Kg/day) for 7 successive days and Group IV, permitted green tea extract as a sole source of drinking water (1.5% w/v in water) 4 days prior and 14 days after Tamxifen-intoxication (45 mg/Kg/day for 7 successive days).

Green Tea Extract
Hepatic oxidative damage was observed in Tamoxefin treated rats as evidenced via augmentation in liver lipid peroxidation as well as depletion in liver antioxidant enzymes; catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase with highly degeneration and necrosis of the hepatocytes.

Histopathological studies of liver treated with Tamoxefin revealed that supplementation of green tea extract resulted in mild degeneration and necrosis of the hepatocytes.