Tuesday 10 January 2017

Prevalence of Low Energy Availability in Collegiate Female Runners and Implementation of Nutrition Education Intervention

This study examined the prevalence of low energy availability in a sample of female collegiate athletes (N=25) then delivered nutrition education related to the female athlete triad and assessed change in knowledge and dietary behaviors.

journal of female athletes
Average energy intake was assessed pre- and post-education using Automated Self-Administered 24- Hour Dietary Recalls. We assessed body composition with multiple-site skinfold measures.

Energy expenditure was assessed with accelerometers and a physical activity diary over a 3-day period. A 73-item questionnaire was used to assess knowledge and behavior changes. Results: At baseline, 92% had an index of energy availability <45 kcal/kg of fat free mass/day. 40% of participants were amenorrheic, and 32% had a history of stress fractures. 

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