Wednesday 4 January 2017

Communicating Biosafety-A New Approach for Agrobiotechnology Adoption

Biosafety is defined as a “Set of measures or actions addressing the safety aspects related to the application of biotechnologies and to the release into the environment of transgenic plants and organisms, particularly microorganisms,  that could negatively affect plant genetic resources, plant, animal or human health, or the environment” (UNEP Glossary 2007)

The term “biosafety” is generally used to describe frameworks of policy, regulation and management to control potential risks associated with the use of new biotechnologies (“New biotechnologies” being a term used to differentiate processes that use modern techniques of biotechnology, such as recombinant DNA techniques, from traditional breeding and improvement techniques used in agriculture), including their use, release and transboundary movements.

Biosafety frameworks may also address risk communication and other issues such as potential positive or negative socio-economic impacts. Many of the legal instruments addressing biosafety have primary goals, such as the preservation of biodiversity, consumer protection, public participation and information, development and trade, and address biosafety only indirectly.

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