Thursday 29 September 2016

Response of Rice under Salinity Stress

Rice (Oryza sativa L) belongs to the family Poaceae. The basic chromosome number of rice is n=12. The species can be either diploid or tetraploid. In this respect, Oryza sativa L. and Oryza glaberrima L both are diploid species (2n= 24). The Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L) is the first fully sequenced crop genome and is a model crop species.

Rice under Salinity Stress
Rice is considered as a major food crop across major countries worldwide. As a food crop, it forms the staple food of more than three billion people accounting for about 50-80% of their daily calorie intake. It yields about one third of the total carbohydrate source. It provides the considerable amount of recommended Zinc and Niacin. Rice protein is biologically richest as its digestibility is very high (88%).

It is the 2nd most important crop in the world after wheat, covering almost 90% of area across Asia alone. The use of the crop varies widely ranging from its use as food in cereals, snacks, brewed beverages, flour, rice bran oil to its use in religious events across India. The medicinal value of the crop adds on more to the list.

Optimization of Production of Bread Enriched With Leafy Vegetable Powder

Bread is a baked product made from wheat flour. It is one of the most important staple foods in the world and the technology for its production has been in existence for long. There are evidences from food consumption survey in Nigeria of the astronomic rise in the consumption of this baked food.

Leafy Vegetable Powder
In addition to wheat flour, which is the basic ingredient in bread, yeast, butter, salt, sugar and water are also important ingredients. Other food materials like beverages can also be added based on individual delight. Each of the ingredients has its peculiar purpose in improving the physical characteristics of the final product.

Bread, despite lack of some basic nutrients, it is generally accepted and of as such belong to class of food people called ‘convenience food.Leafy vegetables represent inexpensive but high quality nutritional sources, for the poor segment of the population especially where malnutrition is on the increase.

Monday 26 September 2016

Microbiological Connection to Our Food, Nutrition, Health, and Disease

With ever-increasing population, governments across the globe keep feeling the pressure of ensuring availability of food to their masses. Malnutrition has been plaguing a large part of the world population, particularly in the developing and under-developed world. Malnutrition also makes the victims more susceptible to different infections and physiological disorders.

There are large scale social, economic, and political implications of failure of governments in tackling the problem of malnutrition. This problem is related to both quantity as well as quality of the food.Microorganisms in the human gut are intimately associated with digestion and absorption of the food. The human gut microbiome has now been well demonstrated to have a strong connection to our health and disease.

There are approximately 1014 microbial cells inside human gut, which weigh approximately 1 kg. These organisms provide a large array of benefits to their human host, such as protection from the allocthonous pathogens, synthesis of vitamins (e.g. vitamin K), aiding the host in breakdown of complex polysaccharides, etc. The gut microbiome is also able to communicate with the brain

Friday 23 September 2016

journal of dates, microbes research journals, radiation impact factor,hot air oven impact factor

Date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera Lynn.) is one of the oldest fruits in the world. It has been used from 6000 Years ago. It is grown in many countries worldwide, majorly Algeria, China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and United Arab Emirates.

Date Fruits
The fruit weights from 4.60 g to 11.62 g. 100 g of date flesh provide 73.5 g of carbohydrates, 2.3 g of proteins, 1.5 g of ash and 0.2 g of fat. It also contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper manganese and selenium. Dates fruits are generally resistant to microbial contamination due to their high sugar contents but they are affected by various fungal species, insect infestations and bacterial contaminants. It reduces the texture, taste and shelf life of dates. Majorly lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria colonize in higher number. A numerous fungal species also involved in the contamination of date fruits.

Fungal contamination is a direct relationship with both the physical initial dates and environmental conditions of the premises including the storage temperature and humidity can alter the organoleptic parameters of dates, and consequently decrease the market value. So control parameters like sun drying, chemical fumigation, modified atmospheric packaging, radiation, deep freezing, refrigeration, Water washing, oil coating were followed to prevent the entry of microbes.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Quality Management of Organic Ready-To-Eat Vegetable

Ready-to-eat foods are becoming popular in all over the world during last few years. It is one kind of food products which does not need processing on the part of consumer. Changing socio-economic status, life has become very fast.

Organic Ready-To-Eat Vegetable
Ready-to-eat foods are consumed in short length of time with the development in packaging technology. It is tasty and delicious. It is now possible to produce commercially and to extend the shelf life up to few years. The developments in food technology and packaging technology have made it possible to increase the shelf life of these products.

Green Peas (35%), Tomato, Indian Cottage Cheese (Milk or milk solids, citric acid, salt) (20%), Onion, Cottonseed oil, Ginger fresh, Garlic fresh, Salt, Melon seeds, Green chilli, Chilli powder, Cashew nuts, Spices (Black pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Coriander, Cardamom, Chilies, Cumin, Poppy seeds, Nutmeg,Bay leaf), Coriander powder, Turmeric powder, Dried fenugreek leaf.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

The Effects of Training: Teacher and Behavioural Intervention for ADHDH Delivered in School

ADHD is a neurological and developmental disorder its frequency in the general population is about 5%, which is approximately one child by class. This disorder is frequently associated with an impact in the field of education since 30% of ADHD children are in school failure. Moreover, this disorder affects the psychological functioning of the child, as 70% of children with ADHD have psychiatric comorbidities, such as anxiety and depressive disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder.

ADHDH Delivered in School
Although the French recommendations and international recommended the establishment of educational development in class in the management of ADHD, this educational development are rarely used and few study measured the effects on the evolution of ADHD. A meta-analysis of George et al. [6] studies that. Indeed, they studied the effects of school-based interventions for ADHD students, in examining 60 studies.

They concluded that the academic intervention (materials academic used), a contingency management intervention (reinforcement or the punishment of behaviour) and a cognitive-behavioural intervention (problem resolution and self-control) have positive effects on school performance and behaviour of ADHD students. And in each study have observed different design: between-subject group, within-subject group and single-subject design.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Potentials of Trifoliate Yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) in Noodles Production

Yam (Dioscorea sp.) is one of the most important staple food crops in West Africa especially Nigeria. Yams are annual or perennial tuber– bearing and climbing plant with over 600 species, in which only few are cultivated for food and medicine. Some yam varieties are widely used for food while others are underutilized.

Noodles Production

It has starch grains that are smaller, more digestible than those of other yam species. Trifoliate yam tuber however, contains some anti-nutrient contents as a result of which slight bitterness may be experienced. In addition, this yam species hardens few days after harvest leading to reduction in moisture and starch content and increase in sugar as well as structural polysaccharides.

Transforming its tubers into edible flour constitutes a means of conferring a long–term value onto it. Today, people’s preference towards convenience food products has cumulated in many adverse consequences including hike in price and increase in the demand for importation of wheat.

Friday 16 September 2016

In Vivo Anti-diabetic and Biological Activities of Milk Protein and Milk Protein Hydrolyaste

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a public health crisis that affects the economies of the world, especially developing countries. The worldwide incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing. It was estimated in 2000 that there were 171 million diabetics. This will reach to 366 million people in 2030. In 2003 the expert committee of the American diabetes association proposed to eliminate the terms insulin and non-insulindependent diabetes mellitus and their acronyms (IDDM and NIDDM).

Milk Protein Hydrolyaste
Type 1 diabetes is actually known as IDDM. Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome characterized by elevated blood glucose levels due to defective insulin secretion and/or insulin action, so this type known as NIDDM. When insulin secretion cannot compensate for insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes develops.Milk proteins are considered to be the most important sources of bioactive peptides. The beneficial health effects of milk bioactive peptides are classified as cytomodulatory, mineral binding, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, blood-pressure lowering (Angiotensinconverting enzyme, ACE-inhibitory), antithrombotic, antioxidant and opioid like, in addition to cholesterol-lowering.

Bioactive peptides released from milk proteins in the gastrointestinal tract by the action of digestive enzymes such as pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxy and aminopeptidases. The physiological activity of bioactive peptides depends on their ability to maintain integral state during transport to the various functional systems of the body.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Perspectives on Energy Drinks

Nutritionists and health care professionals strive for preserving the health of the public by following the guidelines of healthy dietary patterns and being engaged into a regular physical activity routine. Dietary guidelines stress the notion that all required nutrients for the body ought to be provided by a variety of nutritious food items, while refraining from the intake of high energy/ non-nutritious items.

Energy Drinks
The term “empty calories” was coined for the energy that is derived from the latter group, such as sugary soda drinks and high sugar-containing juices. Because of the wide publicity for what are called “energy drinks”, it has become necessary to have a rational view of several aspects of such drinks. Therefore, this article explores this topic from nutritional and public health perspectives Energy drinks are beverages that contain varying amounts of caffeine (77-110 mg/240 ml) and a variety of other additives.

While the actual caffeine content for many energy drinks is not identified on product packaging or via other sources, the total amount of caffeine contained in some of these drinks can exceed 500 mg and can cause caffeine toxicity. A lethal dose of caffeine is considered to between 200- 400 mg/kg body weight. Energy drinks contain other ingredients, such as: Vitamins, taurine, theanine, carnitine, herbal supplements, creatine, sugars (3-31 g/240 ml), and guarana-a plant product that contains high amounts of caffeine.

Evaluation of Factors Impacting Agrobacterium-Mediated Indica Rice Transformation of IR58025B - a Public Maintainer Line

Rice is one of the most important cereal food crops in the world and Indica-type rice provides the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. In spite of its large scale production, a number of abiotic and biotic factors have limited its productivity. To meet the growing demands of an ever-increasing global population, genetic transformation of Indica rice, particularly for public breeding materials, has become a matter of increased urgency.

Indica Rice Transformation

Many factors are known to affect the efficiency of T-DNA delivery to plant cells, such as different plant varieties, different explant types, the quality of explants and Agrobacterium strains [6], the cell density of Agrobacterium for infection, inoculation period, co-culture medium and desiccation stress of the tissue before or after infection.Indica rice is still known as recalcitrant for transformation although Japonica rice was transformed using the Agrobacteriummediated method since 1994 and Indica rice in 1996. Few reports on the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of IR58025B are available.

This public cultivar is commonly applied to generate hybrids by breeders in the south Asia since it has higher combining ability and generates good hybrids. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate various factors that affect tissue culture and to develop a highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocol for this public cultivar. Hiei et al.Reported a protocol for Group I Indica rice transformation including IR58025B using immature embryos as explants. Our study mainly focused on callus explants derived from mature seeds and systematically optimized several factors that could influence transformation frequency.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

How Microbes helped solve a Complex Biomechanical Problem associated with Bird Flight

Although the role of microorganisms in the transformations of organic matter was not recognized until the middle of the nineteenth century, microbial processes have been used by humans since prehistoric times in the preparation of food drink and textiles. Such traditional microbial processes became perfected to an astonishing degree as used in bread making and production of beer and wine, pickling, making of vinegar, cheese and butter and retting of flax.

Biomechanical Problem associated with Bird Flight
The rise of microbiology led to great improvements in many of these but also to the development of new industries based on the use of microorganisms. However, the present discussion shows the use of microorganisms in a way that had arguably never been attempted before–in delineating a complex biological structure.The feather is an extraordinary device and among the most prominent of a series of adaptations that facilitates flight in birds. The main structural support is the rachis from which arise hundreds of side branches, the barbs. The rachis is symmetrically located in contour feathers but nearer the leading edge in flight feathers.

The outer shell or cortex comprises the bulk of the material of the rachis and has been shown to account for most of its tensile strengt. It is constructed of compact β-keratin, the keratin of reptiles and birds (sauropsids), a light, rigid material comprising a fibre-matrix texture. Filshie and Rogers’ study on the microstructure of the rachis using histological techniques and early use of electron microscopy showed that it comprised fine fibres, nanometers in diameter. This view has dominated our ideas on feather microstructure through the decades.

Monday 12 September 2016

Trans Fatty Acids and Atherosclerosis-effects on Inflammation and Endothelial Function

Cardiovascular disease, in particular coronary heart disease, is the principal cause of mortality worldwide. Atherosclerosis is the underlying disorder in the majority of patients with coronary heart disease. The development of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries is a result of multiple risk factor including both non-modifiable risk factor and modifiable risk factor which are associated with life style choice, particularly poor diet habits. In recent years, the eating habits of highly industrialized societies changed radically thanks to new technologies in the food industry, that allow consumption of products containing large amounts of trans fatty acids.

Inflammation and Endothelial Function
Trans fatty acids are unsaturated fats, that contain at least one double bound. In contrast to naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acids, which have the cis configuration (hydrogen atoms on the same side of the acyl chain), TFAs contain at least 1 double bound in the trans configuration (hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of the acyl chain). The type of bond affects the shape of the fatty acid chain. A cis bond creates a bent chain, whereas trans results in much straighter molecules similar to that of saturated fatty acids. Although the chemical composition of a cis and Trans fat may be identical, this change in the configuration will induce obvious effects on the packing of the lipid in, for example, phospholipid bilayer and on the function of both lipids and proteins in a membrane structure.

Recently, the use and presence of TFA in the diet has been the object of much public health discussions. This article focuses on TFAs as modifiable dietary risk factor for atherosclerosis, reviewing the evidence for lipid and non-lipid effects.

Friday 9 September 2016

Bifidobacterium thermophilum RBL67 Inhibits Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium in an In vitro Intestinal Fermentation Model

Infectious gastroenteritis caused by non-typhoidal serovars of Salmonella is usually self-limiting but life-threatening complications may require appropriate antibiotic therapies. Probiotics have evolved as potential alternatives to antibiotics in response to an increasing prevalence of resistant strains, but there are no studies comparing the effectiveness of both treatment strategies on the same intestinal microbiota.

vitro Intestinal Fermentation Model

Infectious gastroenteritis is one of the most common causes of disease in children less than five years old, with rotavirus and food-borne associated non-typhoidal Salmonella predominantly identified as causative agents. Non-typhoidal Salmonella organisms can cause asymptomatic carriage as well as self-limited gastroenteritis. Complications however, include bacteremia and other extra-intestinal manifestations, e.g. osteomyelitis and meningitis, requiring hospitalization and resulting in the risk of serious sequelae and death. Antibiotic treatment is usually not recommended in uncomplicated gastroenteritis because it may prolong the duration of carriage.

In patients at risk of bacteremia however, i.e. young infants, immunocompromised patients, patients with chronic gastrointestinal disease, or patients with malignant diseases, antibiotic treatment is used even though the incidence of treatment failures attributed to antibiotic resistant Salmonella strains is increasing and antibiotics may cause disturbances of the human intestinal ecosystem leading to a disruption of the barrier effect and overgrowth with commensal microorganisms. Alternative treatment strategies combating severe Salmonella infections in children are therefore needed.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Effects of Vital Gluten Enrichment on Qualities of Value Added Products

Wheat is inimitable among all the cereal grains grown in many parts of the World as a stable food, and forms the basis for numerous food products. Several thousand varieties of wheat are known where the three main types include Triticum durum (durum wheat) largely used for pasta production, Triticum vulgare or aestivum mainly used for bread production and Triticum compactum (soft wheat) used for biscuit, pastry and cakes production.

Vital Gluten Enrichment

The inimitable properties of wheat gluten are given an intense attention by the food industries. Interest has extended to the commercial separation of gluten from the starch and soluble proteins of flour for food production applications. In actual fact, it is the cohesive properties of gluten that makes its commercial preparation a relatively simple process. Vital wheat gluten is now a significant ingredient in the food industry and an important item of world trade. Food industries are using vital wheat gluten as an ingredient especially in those countries which produces wheat with low protein content.

The wheat quality is intricate and is complicated to articulate in terms of a single property. It may be defined in terms of its suitability for a particular purpose or use. Variety is an imperative factor that manipulates grain quality. Generally, wheat is marketed according to the class and each class consists of a group of varieties with similar characteristics apt for similar purposes and end-use. In Ethiopia hard and soft wheat varieties are widely cultivated in the highlands of South East, Central and North West parts.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Effect of Growth Promoting Substances on Selected Three Ornamental Plants

Ornamental plants are essential object of environmental aesthetic beautification and management; they make up the component of urban green spaces, public parks and houses more for relaxation and enjoyment . They are grown for the display of aesthetic features including flowers, leaves, scent and overall foliage texture- fruit, stem and bark. They are a valuable tool for the harmonious and practical resolution of many physical site problems, and they provide durable aesthetic satisfaction. Generally, most perennial ornamental plants are multiplied and propagated through asexual means of reproduction such as cuttings, layering or grafting.

Ornamental Plants
The cuttings from stems, leaves, roots or terminal buds were the commonly used techniques, due to their ability to retain the characters of the parent and also, for breeding seedless hybrid. Success of rooting ornamental plant cuttings depend on their growth responses, based on nutrient present with the aid of growth promoting substances before planting.

Euphorbia milii, Adenium obesium, and Murraya paniculata were known as ‘difficult to root’ ornamental plants, this difficulty led to research on propagating their stem cuttings in different growth promoting substances to observe their responses. Studies have shown that physiological state of the mother plant, the prevailing environmental conditions in the nursery i.e., light, temperature and humidity play important role in rooting and developmental stages of cuttings.