Tuesday 25 October 2016

Effect of Nano-Zinc Oxide on the Leaf Physical and Nutritional Quality of Spinach

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a green-leafy vegetable belongs to family Amaranthaceae. It is often recognized as one of the functional foods for its wholesome nutritional, antioxidants and anti-cancer composition.

Nutritional Quality of Spinach
The major micronutrients in spinach are vitamins A (from β-carotene), C, K and folate, and the minerals, calcium, iron and potassium. Spinach also provides fibre and is low in calories.

Its tender, crispy, dark-green leaves are one of the favorite ingredients of chefs all around the world. Vegetables are also valuable in maintaining alkaline reserve of the body. They are valued mainly for high carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral contents.

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