Monday 24 October 2016

Management of Faba Bean Gall Disease (Kormid) in North Shewa Highlands, Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the world’s second largest producer of faba bean, but its share is only 6.96% of world production and 40.5% of Africa. Faba bean (Vicia fabae L.) is the major cool season food legumes produced in Ethiopia next to cereals.

Faba Bean Gall Disease
It serves as major source of protein & income. The crop also fixes atmospheric nitrogen and improves soil fertility. Because of its wide importance to the nation it is cultivated in large area in the country as well as in Amhara region.

Production of faba bean is inhibited by several yield limiting factors, among which diseases are the main. In Ethiopia more than 17 disease causing pathogens are reported on faba bean. Major diseases recoded in faba bean includes, chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae), rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae), ascochyta blight (Ascochyta fabae), zonate leaf spot (Cercospora zonatae), and black root.

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